Okay, so I forgot to mention two pretty important things in my week of firsts post yesterday that I need to tell you about. Additionally, I am going to add some pictures from the Concert Rockin the Daisies. The picture below is after I got my arm painted and drawn on by a local artist. I had the colors orange and white to support the VOLS , since it was Saturday. Also, I wanted them to write GO VOLS in it, however, VOLS in Afrikaans is a vulgar word. So I thought better of it. Today, Wednesday, I am still sporting the outline of the drawing. (Awesome). I have never had anything like this done before so it was pretty fun, it was actually really pretty and probably the closest thing to a tattoo I will ever have. ( I am completely okay with this)

Last Friday before I left for Rockin the Daisies, the GRS office celebrated Heritage Day. This is a public holiday in South Africa, (I was in Namibia for the actual day) where you celebrate your heritage. It was pretty awesome as everyone dressed in authentic clothes from their heritage. I wore a necklas that was white and orange for Tennessee and a green tank top and a yellow bracelet for the Ducks. I think my heritage was pretty well covered. What also is pretty funny is that everyone here are soccer fans.. so no one really truly appreciates my love of American College Football!
I got a lot of good video, but not that many pictures. The “interns” represented our Heritage by bringing food you would bring to a BBQ or Cookout (depending on which side of the US you live on), so we attempted to make a pasta salad and deviled eggs. Well the pasta salad (Kathy Nielson’s recipe as best I could in Africa) turned out pretty good. I wish I could say the same for the deviled eggs. First, our stove barely works so it took a really long time to cook the eggs, then they were almost impossible to peel. We pretty much destroyed them. Then, here in Africa when you buy things like mustard, you think it will taste like the mustard that you are use too. WRONG!!! Even if we could have peeled the eggs properly, the mustard was pretty bad. All I can say is cooking here is done completely by trial and error. In the end, we left the pasta salad at home, so it really didn't matter anyway!!!

Secondly, last week I went to my first fashion show. If you know me at all, you know that my fashion sense is pretty basic. I don’t dress extravagant. So for me this was pretty funny. The outfits were hilarious, there were more like main stream clothes you would find in the US, not authentic African wear. What made this experience even funnier, was I did not bring a lot of nice “fancy clothes” to Africa. I have a couple of dresses that are pretty bright in color that I got for 10 dollars at American Eagle. Needless to say I stood out a lot on the fashion no/no list. Everyone was dressed in different blacks and whites, really short skirts, and very hip outfits. The best thing was the four girls/roommates/interns all pretty much felt the same way, so we laughed a lot!!
There are some amazing perks about Cape Town, music festivals, fashion shows, working in a great office with all of the amenities of an office in the US, but it is also a fun to be in more rustic areas of Africa like Namibia. Even though my future here is completely unclear, I feel pretty blessed to have the opportunity of both. I hope that however it works out that I will be able to do the best work that I can, where I can have the most impact. I will leave you with a couple more images from Rockin the Daisies!!

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