Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Week of Firsts

This past week I have had a lot of experiences that were new to me, things that I have never experienced. The are pretty neat, so I thought I would share them with you!!

First, for the first time in a long time, I am not running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I do not have a lot of work right, which is kind of a different feeling for me. I am trying to get into some type of routine in Cape Town, and that is my goal for this week. It is pretty different to have a goal to be get into a routine, but since I have been moving every three weeks for the past three months, settling into a routine for me seems like a good plan. I should be heading back to Namibia for a week and a half or so in the next week, so I am trying to get into a routine so that I will keep it in Namibia. I was going to leave this Wednesday but the training I was suppose to be help leading go postponed for another week. So I am in Cape Town for another week and a half.

If you could see the difference in my life from last year at this point! I had every minute of my life planned out until almost 3 in the morning everyday to this, a lot of free time, trying to find things that keep me busy. It could not be any different but I think it is good for me.

Secondly, for the first time in my life I am living in a house that is infested with roaches. So last week I got to wait at home for the roach guy to come and do an estimation on the house. He told me that it was the worst thing that he has ever seen and kept wanting me to come and check out behind the fridge, I passed!! So not only are there roaches, but there are lizards. However, lizards are suppose to be good because they eat the roaches and then in the end we would just need a cat to get rid of the lizard. (the circle of life). The best part of this whole experience was I was on the phone with my mom and she was freaking out. The roaches are gross, don’t get me wrong, it is NASTY, but they aren’t really in my room, they are just in the kitchen. So if you stay away at night then it is only kinda bad.

Also, we were all gone this weekend at a music festival (which I will talk about next), but when I came back there was a nice surprise for me on the kitchen floor. The roach guys came on Friday and started the first round of treatment, lets just say scene on the kitchen floor on Sunday afternoon was a roach cemetery. It really if gross, but at least now we have a roach guy that is going to try and get rid of them!!

Thirdly, I have never been to a music festival until this weekend. A group of 18 interns went to the Rockin the Daisies music festival about 1 hour from Cape Town. It was really fun, I got to see interns that were placed in Kimberly, Lesotho and Richmond. We had a really great weekend listening to South African Groups. My favorites were Freshly Ground, Just Jinger, Goldfish and a guy that played the harmonica. It really was fun, there was good food and a tent for comedians so I got to listen to South African humor, it was pretty funny.

The other neat thing was how clean they kept the port-a-potties. There were ones that had toilets that flushed.. it was so funny. But since we were camping/no showering for a couple days, having a clean port-a-potty is pretty important. This simple joys in life!!!

It was a great weekend, hanging out with friends and listening to music.

Anyway, I hope that you all have a great week, this week I am getting started on some pretty big projects here in Cape Town and am trying to plan for my trip to Namibia again. On Saturday we are holding auditions of music groups and dance groups for the opening of the Football for Hope Centre here in Cape Town. It is really going to be neat and I am excited to get involved in the process. I should have some good stories from that on Saturday.

Hope you have a great week.


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