So this week has been really busy. I have been planning a training for 15 Special Olympic Voluteers. I had to book the venue, caterers, and all other details from Cape Town. So I am hoping that everything runs smoothly. I still have tomorrow to get everything together, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
I really did not do a lot this week but work..so nothing new and excieting to report. But yesterday was really fun. First, I went out to the townships and helped tutor 6 grade students on English. It was really fun and challenging. I had about 15 kids in my group and I was trying to help them with spelling (which if any of you know me well you know I am the wrong gal for that), but it was easy words like mother and lunch. The kids in the tutor group were writing about their school days. One of the employees of GRS is here from the US for the year and the information they wrote is going to go back to his daughters school in the US. My group wrote about LUNCH and whether they brought it from home, who makes it for them, and whether they liked it. The experience very much reminded me of my days of working with the Burundian Refugees in Knoxville.

When I got back from tutoring, one of the other interns Alex and I went to the Signal Hill and then Llandoadno Beach. It was AWESOME. From Signal Hill you can look out over Cape Town and get great views of Lions Head Mountain (which people were hang gliding off of), Table Mountain and the Ocean.

The beach though was by far my favorite. There was a huge ledge of rocks that we climbed (which was kinda like hick) but not really. It was so amazing!! I love playing in the water.. even though on the beach there were jelly fish everywhere. Then we drove back (alex is still learning to drive a manual transmission, YIKES) along the coastline.

It really has been a great week, full of a lot of work and good time with friends. Sorry so short, but I wanted to share more pictures, so enjoyI won’t have a lot of internet this week so I might not post again until next Sunday.. But I will have a lot of great stories and pictures.. I promise!!!
Love ya,
Inhale big, exhale big, Sarah my heart squeeled within me when I saw the beautiful pictures of the ocean, much like it does when I catch my first glimsp of the Ore. coast, on my coast adventure days. I love seeing you in the pictures, my heart rings thats my girl :) Thank you for sending us your story, so many of us are enjoying being a part of your journey. Africa and Sarah are only a click away :) What a blessing, I love you! Love mom