Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Namibian Holiday!!

Hey Everyone,

So I am getting a little more settled in. I am still living in a hotel and I have not yet unpacked all of my suitcases, but I am getting better at living from a suit case. I am going to be heading back to Cape Town on the 9th and I am a little torn about it... I am starting to get settled into the routine and walking everywhere; but Cape Town is so amazing, that it will be fun.

Yesterday, was a Namibian Holiday, Hero's Day. That meant no work. There are some English guys and Australian girl who are working in Namibia for a month staying at the hotel, we had a braai yesterday (bbq or cookout depending upon what part of the US you are in). One of the English guys is an amazing cook and we had sausage, bur gars and chicken, as well as salad and bread. The bread in Namibia is absolutely amazing.... and seeing how I have been eating a lot of corn flakes, peanut butter and eggs.. the meat tasted so good.

Currently, my work is focusing with NAWALife Trust. NAWA is an organization that teaches HIV/AIDS education through soccer to males 18-35.. so it is a little different target audience, but we are running a training next week for them. I was excited today when they said there would be another girl going as well.

I should have some pictures from that next week and I am excited because next week all of my food is paid for by NAWA and it will all be cooked for me, I am WAY excited about that.

I hope all is well..


1 comment:

  1. Sarah, enjoy every bite, it always tastes better when somebody else makes it :) I love reading your posts. Love you Love mom
